President Obama must have hit one of Trump's nerves with his Democratic National Convention speech. Trump fired off tweets in all-caps and filled with conspiracy theories.

The poll comes amid nationwide protests against racism and indications that more white people care about racial injustice than seemingly ever before.

We've looked at some of the wildest moments of the interview led by the persistent Jonathan Swan.

The man in the White House continues to misrepresent or exaggerate information.


Dear Lord, this pathological liar truly has no qualms about making things up on the fly and including unsuspecting parties in his bullsh*t.

Federal agents who have been eerily compared to the Gestapo are expected to be coming to several "diverse cities" soon in a purported attempt to end violence by, well, bringing violence.

We are truly in the upside-down if Donald Trump is deeply concerned about Issa and Molly's friendship.

The fast-food chain Wendy's is now being canceled after social media users find out that the CEO donated over $400,000 to President Donald Trump.