Exit polling data was painting a broad picture of the election's results and the role that Black voters, in particular, were playing in it.

2020 has been an emotional and political rollercoaster. If you're looking for ways to decompress post-election, check out these 5 tips to help soothe your mind.

If you're still unsure if you should show up for the polls, Rev. Al Sharpton is going to tell you why.

According to WSBTV, a glitch in the voting machines in Spalding County, Georgia has caused all the machines to be temporarily shut down countrywide. 

From candidates for Congress to the U.S. Senate, a change in the balance of power on Capitol Hill is looming large in certain pockets of America depending on how the down-ballot elections turn out.

"Did you see the way our people, they were, ya know, protecting this bus, because they're nice," President Trump said of the so-called "Trump Train" caravan.