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Ariel Smith for Glow with Flo

Source: Courtesy of Glow with Flo / Courtesy of Glow with Flo

Ariel Smith’s dream of having her own storefront became a reality when her aunt encouraged her to enter a contest. “If you win, you win; if you don’t, you tried – you won’t lose anything from applying,” her aunt said. A couple of weeks later, she sat in front of a 6-judge panel where she expressed her passion for skin care and self-care. Her nerves were through the roof, but Smith ultimately decided to relax and leave her next steps in the hands of God. “Que Sera Sera,” she told herself. 10 Days later, she learned that she won the contest and would receive her own storefront for the summer.

The Illinois native, who just turned 27 this week, is extremely proud of her brand, Glow with Flo. The skincare and body butter line focuses on more than aiding dry skin. “As a Social Work major, I also studied theories. I learned that using a body scrub as a means to wash your problems away and watch them go down the drain is a form of Dialectical Behavior Therapy by utilizing a mindfulness technique – and that’s when Glow With Flo was born.”

Through mindfulness, Smith’s brand encourages people to strive to improve themselves. “My middle name is Flo, and to glow means to become your best self and shine your light from the inside out. Glowing is a journey; simply put, to Glow With Flo means joining me on a journey to becoming the best version of ourselves!”

Glow with Flo products

Source: Courtesy of Glow with Flo / Courtesy of Glow with Flo

In 2018 while attending grad school at Clark Atlanta University, Smith won the Research Symposium. She studied African American women and their formula to overcoming adversity using self-care. Although her studies encouraged her to prioritize self-care, she eventually noticed she was neglecting herself. “I realized that I was burned out myself because I was so worried about excelling in my career, helping my friends and family, and giving too much of myself to my relationships. I wasn’t practicing what I was preaching. So I started to find new hobbies and came upon DIY body butters, and I started to create products made from herbs, oils, and butters, and I truly found a sense of peace, and I needed to share it with the world.”

Glow with Flo products

Source: Courtesy of Glow with Flo / Courtesy of Glow with Flo

Glow with Flo products

Source: Courtesy of Glow with Flo / Courtesy of Glow with Flo

Glow with Flo products

Source: Courtesy of Glow with Flo / Courtesy of Glow with Flo

Glow with Flo is a little over one year old. Smith learned the importance of being self-sufficient by tapping into her own personal resources. “I learned how to create all of my labels and content, design my own website, and took my own lessons on product photography in about 5 months to launch my business the right way. And I continue to evolve to keep up until I reach the point where I can outsource.”

Alignment is essential, and Smith’s story proves that things will line up with positive intentions, hard work, and dedication. Today, stop by 1410 Commons Drive Geneva, IL 60134 from 12 pm-7 pm to celebrate Smith’s grand opening. You can also shop the brand online.



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Beauty Entrepreneur Ariel Smith Fuses Skincare And Self-Care With Her Brand, Glow With Flo  was originally published on

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