
The press and those who publish our media need to do some soul searching about what side they are on. 

Supporting the work of abortion funds and reproductive justice organizations is paramount.

Tracey Kay McKee is a registered Republican in Arizona who has been vocal about the widespread voter fraud that cost Donald Trump his re-election. She was found guilty of using her dead mother's ballot to cast a vote and was sentenced to probation while Black women like Crystal Mason and Pam Moses got years in prison.

The conversation also comes at a crucial point as media narratives amplify divisions between the two groups.

Three Texas Black men were arrested and charged with felony drug possession in Clay County, Texas after police accused the men of having edibles in their car during a traffic stop.


A recent clip has shown so-called "relationship guru" Kevin Samuels telling women who aren't married by 35 that they're "leftover" women, and that men know there's something wrong with them.

Coretta Scott King’s birthday is a chance to revisit her legacy as a steward of peace and justice.

Back in December, Republican Blake Masters, who's currently in the running for the U.S. Senate in Arizona, sent the internet into a heated debate about tech giant Elon Musk's ethnicity.

Thankfully, due to the power of Google, we're able to find answers to the world's most pressing questions, even those about Black people.

Meta, formerly known as The Facebook Group, is opening their first retail store. Much like many tech giants have done in the past, i.e. Apple, Meta wants to experiment with pushing its physical products in a physical space. The Meta Store is set to open at Meta’s company lots in Burlingame, California on May 9th. […]