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Twitter has launched the gender wars once again.

This time it’s not about who should be paying for dates or splitting the bills but centers around Gabrielle Union.

The actress was paying a visit to Dax Shepard and Monica Padman’s Armchair Expert podcast when she revealed the infidelity in her first marriage– with NFL player Chris Howard.

During the dysfunctional Union admitted that she cheated because Howard did first.

“In our first marriage, neither one of us felt like the marriage should get in the way of our dating,” Union told host Dax Shepard. “A part of it was keeping up with his activities, and I was like, ‘Oh, that’s what you’re doing? Oh, you’re gonna feel this one.’”

Union went on to explain that she felt justified in cheating at the time, saying, “I just felt entitled to it, as well. I was paying all the bills, I was working my ass off, and I felt like that’s what comes, the spoils of riches.”

She likens the power dynamics to something she experienced in her childhood home.

“Like my dad before me, whoever has the most gets to do whatever the hell they want, is what I thought,” she added. “It was just dysfunctional from day one.”

Union called the marriage “a stupid relationship that should have never gotten out of the dating phase.”

Howard got married to Union in 2001 and split in 2005, with the divorce finalized the following year.

The actress rebounded pretty well when she began dating Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade in 2008, and the couple later married in 2014.

See how Twitter’s reacting to Gabrielle Union admitting to cheating on her first husband below.

Gabrielle Union Says She Felt “Entitled” To Cheat In First Marriage To NFL Husband, Twitter Launches Gender Wars  was originally published on














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