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Power Book II: Ghost Episodic Images from 306

Source: Courtesy / Starz

Tariq (Michael Rainey Jr.) demands answers after a startling revelation shakes up his personal and business relationships; tragedy brings the Tejadas to the brink of war as they work with the Castillos to enact revenge. Click inside to read a full recap of this week’s episode of Power Book II: Ghost!


Although the bomb that Lauren (Paige Hurd) dropped on him was still fresh on his mind, Tariq was understandably shocked by the news of Lorenzo’s death. Effie (Alix Lapri) notes that he looks like he just seen a ghost when she asks him if he knew anything about it. Although he played it cool with Effie at first, the same can’t be said for Brayden (Gianni Paolo). Tariq attacks his best friend at work and eventually beats the truth out of him. Brayden reveals what actually happened and how Cane played a part in it. Tariq then makes Brayden promise not to say anything to Effie about their conversation. Later on, Tariq and Effie take a ride out to the spot where Effie took Lauren. On the way there, Tariq shares how he killed Ray Ray and Ghost. Effie uses the moment to admit something to Tariq also. She tells him that she used to get touched by one of her mother’s boyfriends when she was younger. Effie says when she finally got the courage to tell her mother what was going on, her mother still married the man (and they’re still together). Tariq apologizes that it happened to her but quickly changes the subject and asks her if there’s anything else she wants to tell him. Once the car stops, Tariq makes Effie get out. The two begin to argue as Tariq explains that Lauren wasn’t a threat and how Effie messed up everything. Effie is adamant about the fact that she did what she did to save Tariq. He doesn’t buy it and leaves here there, making her find on her way home.

Since he can’t trust them, Tariq decides that kicking Brayden and Effie out the business is the best option. Cane notices that they’re not there when he meets up with Tariq. Tariq alerts him that there’s an investigation on all of them because of the stupid stuff they did. To ease Cane’s tension about moving the weight, Tariq tells him that he’ll continue to make plays at the firm and he’ll get Diana (LaToya Tonodeo). Cane convinces Brayden that he is the one who does the most work while Tariq sits on his butt at Stansfield. Cane tells Brayden that if he finds a way back in the business, he’ll consider putting his family’s money into the Weston’s firm.

Brayden took Cane’s words and put some action behind them. The next day, Tariq tries to get into work but Brayden cut his access off. He apologizes to Tariq again and explains how they’re family and family forgives. Tariq is still very unreceptive. He tells Brayden that he and Effie are just like his family since they’re all liars. Frustrated, lost and confused, Tariq decides to go visit Raina at her gravesite. As he spills his soul, he’s interuppted by Grandma Estelle (Debbi Morgan). She blames him for everything that’s happened to their family and then urges him to stop doing what he’s doing or he’ll end up like Ghost. Tariq responds and tells her that maybe she’s right and it is time for him to get out of the game.

Tariq is kidnapped by Obi (Kyle Vincent Terry) and Noma’s men. They question whether he was trying to flea the country again. He tells them that he can’t leave and he was on his way to make a drop that they ruined. Before he lets him leave, Obi tells Tariq that from now on, they need to see all of them at re-ups. In actuality, this was probably a distraction caused by Tariq to make sure his grandmother got out of town safely. He set it up so that Estelle could be with Tasha and Yasmin. If he would’ve met her like he was originally supposed to, Obi and Noma’s men would’ve been able to keep tabs on her. Obi did let Tariq know that he’d be keeping extra tabs on him, Brayden, Cane and Effie. Realizing that they need each other, Tariq makes amends with Brayden (even if only to get from under Noma’s thumb). How will Tariq and the crew ever get from under Noma? Will Brayden remain loyal to Tariq or will he start to lean towards Cane? Are Tariq and Diana a thing again, or was it just a heat in the moment situation?


It seems as if Davis MacLean (Cliff ‘Method Man’ Smith) is starting to catch on to the sneakiness of Saxe (Shane Johnson). MacLean brings up Lauren and the investigation surrounding her death. Saxe pretends as if he’s clueless but Davis can see right through it. After Lauren left the safe house to go chat with Tariq, she made her way back to her family’s home. Ironically enough, her mother and father weren’t there. Jenny (Paton Ashbrook) reveals that they were temporarily moved for their safety. She continues by telling Lauren that she can’t let her see her parents again unless she continues cooperating. Lauren tells her the only way she’ll agree is if she gets to talk to Saxe first.

Elsewhere, Saxe made a deal with Rashad Tate (Larenz Tate). In exchange for Tate helping get Theo Rollins out, he wanted Davis to wage an opposition campaign against his opponent in the race. After those two are done talking, Jenny arrives to apologize to Saxe. As the conversation progresses, Saxe realizes exactly how Jenny had been using him. As her criminal informant, Saxe connected the attempted murder to Tariq’s criminal enterprise. After Saxe contemplates if he wants tot continue to cooperate, Jenny tells him that if he doesn’t his confession about bringing a gun to Truth will be used against him. Saxe realizes that he doesn’t have the upper hand in the situation and agrees to keep working with her. During their conversation, Lauren express to Saxe that Tariq doesn’t deserve to go down for something that he didn’t do. Saxe gives her a breakdown of Tariq’s family and how they groomed him to be what he is today. He mentions how Tariq selling is what got Raina killed. What will Lauren decide to do? When will it be exposed that Saxe is working both sides?


The episode began with Monet identifying the body of Lorenzo (Berto Colon). Directly after, she had to break the news to her children (who were each busy doing their own thing) that their father had been murdered. As they meet to discuss the funeral, Diana asks Monet if the cops have any idea who might’ve killed Lorenzo. Dru (Lovell-Adams Gray) mentions that the word on the block is that the Russians did it. Monet tells Dru that until they know for sure, they should stand down because they don’t need that kind of heat. Dru doesn’t like the fact that his family isn’t more upset and storms off. After he leaves, Monet tasks Cane (Woody McClain) with handling Lorenzo’s life insurance policy. He decides that its the perfect time to bring up the fact that Monet had a lot of questions about Lorenzo before his death. Monet responds by telling him that she didn’t do it and he needs to stop trying to add two and two because he’ll come up with five. Cane being suspicious of Monet is definitely something to keep an eye out for.

At Lorenzo’s repast, Dru and Cane have a discussion with Kai (Sean Nelson). Kai mentions that they’re doing Lorenzo dirty by letting the disrespect of his murder go unanswered. He then makes an inappropriate comment regarding Monet that further infuriates Dru. Dru emphasizes to Monet that Kai is saying what everyone’s saying and they have to answer for Lorenzo’s death. Monet tells Dru that since she’s in charge, things will look differently now. She all but tells her son that she wants him to take over for his father. While that was happening, Diana is upstairs with Salim (Petey McGee). After he makes one too many comments about the life that Lorenzo led, Diana kicks him out, basically putting an end to whatever it is they have.

Dru eventually ignores his mother’s orders and informs Gordo (Erik Hernandez) that he has a plan to take out the Russians but doesn’t have enough bodies to do it. While they plotted at the bar, his baby sister was doing the same thing at Stansfield. Tariq pulls up on Diana and approaches her about helping him and Cane move product on campuses. Diana declines his offer after letting him know the deal him and her father made. Tariq gives her advice on giving her father’s eulogy. When the two begin to kiss, Diana brings up Effie and Tariq confirms that they had broken up. It’s interesting to note that Salim tried to come to Diana’s room while Tariq was there but was turned away by Diana’s friends. The next morning Effie comes to Diana’s room and proposes that they team up and work together. Effie asks Diana to promise not to say anything to Tariq until they’re up and running. Unfortunately for Effie, Tariq stayed the night in Diana’s room and heard the whole conversation. Later we see Diana make her way to the rooftop to drop off the drugs Lorenzo gave her. Little does she know, there is now a camera recording her every move.

With the help of the Castillos, Dru carries out an elaborate plan that leaves some of the Russians dead. At Lorenzo’s funeral, a lot happened. Diana gave her eulogy and it’s revealed that the cameras at Stansfield for sure caught Diana red handed. As Blanca (Monique Gabriela Curnen) and Jenny look on, they note that they need more leverage before they move in on her and that they should wait to see what else the cameras see her doing. Cane tells Lorenzo that he knows he let him down but it’ll never happen again. He says family first then grabs the chain that he gifted his father and puts it around his own neck. As Lorenzo’s casket is being carried out, the Russians choose to retaliate. The funeral turns into a shootout (in front of Saxe and Davis by the way). After the funeral, Cane is pissed that Dru got them into he situation there in. As they almost come to blows, Monet stops them. She tells Cane that Dru had a plan and it worked. A frustrated Cane then goes to Stansfield and stops Effie from burning the coffee app down. Instead of letting her be punished for handling business, he offers to give her product without Tariq ever having to know. Davis calls Monet to let her know that the feds roped up the Russians for the incident that took place at the funeral, confirming that Dru’s plan did work. The episode ends with Monet hallucinating. She sees Lorenzo sitting at the dinner table (smoking a cigarette which she hated). He tells her that he loved her. He goes on to let her know that once the kids figure out what she did, they’ll never forgive her. How long will it take for Monet’s decision to come back and haunt her? What’s next with the Russians? That beef will surely play a big part in the rest of the season. Is Cane ever going to be the head of the Tejada family? Drop your thoughts about season three’s fifth episode in the comments and also let us know what you think will happen next week!

Land Of Lies: ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Season 3 Episode 6 Recap  was originally published on

1. Where’s The Trust?

Where's The Trust? Source:Starz

2. Grandma Estelle Is Back

Grandma Estelle Is Back Source:Starz

3. Sorry Salim

Sorry Salim Source:Starz

4. Professor Bonet Be Teaching

Professor Bonet Be Teaching Source:Starz

5. Maybe It’s Time To Get Out The Game

Maybe It's Time To Get Out The Game Source:Starz

6. Whose Fault Is It Really?

Whose Fault Is It Really? Source:Starz

7. Do You Blame Effie For Looking Out?

Do You Blame Effie For Looking Out? Source:Starz

8. Getting Bad News

Getting Bad News Source:Starz

9. She Actually Seen A Ghost. Lol

She Actually Seen A Ghost. Lol Source:Starz

10. Obi Don’t Be Playing At All

Obi Don't Be Playing At All Source:Starz

11. Almost Burned Everything Down. Smh

Almost Burned Everything Down. Smh Source:Starz

12. Hi Effie

Hi Effie Source:Starz

13. The Tejadas In Mourning

The Tejadas In Mourning Source:Starz


"FAMILY FIRST" Source:Starz

15. RIP Lorenzo

RIP Lorenzo Source:Starz

16. The Castillo’s Are Insane Also

The Castillo's Are Insane Also Source:Starz

17. Right Before The Shootout

Right Before The Shootout Source:Starz

18. Who Takes The Crown Next?

Who Takes The Crown Next? Source:Starz

19. Monet Caused A Lot Of BS

Monet Caused A Lot Of BS Source:Starz

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