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One Twitter thread caused a bit of commotion last week when one user asked their followers: Would you be upset if your significant other never posted you on social media? The Internet is riddled with misinformation, making the proper social media etiquette seem elusive. To post or not to post your partner is the question.

Twitter user, @crisdacat, wanted to shake the timeline up on a quiet Sunday evening. She posted this tweet that reached singles and couples near and far. The tweet reads: “Serious question: would you be upset if your significant other never posted you on social media?”

The tweet in question:

Many of her followers chimed in with their responses. Some replied, “absolutely not.” While others said they would prefer their significant other to post them on social media, because what is there to hide?

There are mixed reviews when it comes to posting your partner on social media.

Why is that?

Some people fear the embarrassment of their partners in the event that something goes awry in their relationships. Other people simply want to keep their relationship private. Similarly to how people thought Drake was hiding his child from the world, when he was really hiding the world from his child.

We felt that.

What About The Other Side?

People question their partners disdain for intimate posts if they are always sharing so many other personal matters. If you’re posting insignificant things all day like your lunch or boss’ baby, why can’t you post me? Some people share a celebratory post for everyone’s birthday but their partners.

Yeah, that has to hurt.

What the people have to say about posting their partners on social media:

Some people take social media very seriously…

Don’t be weird.

Show me off to your friends!

Mixed feelings:

What would YouTubers do?

Don’t post me or the kids!

Social media doesn’t validate love.

So what’s your vote? To post or not to post… that is the question. Comment below with your thoughts.


Lovers, Friends & Social Media: To Post or Not To Post Your Partner Is the Question  was originally published on

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