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Trill Burgers NYC

Source: ABC – Paula Lobo / Radio One Digital

Uncle Bun’s Trill Burgers are taking the nation by storm, and now they are certified delicious by the Good Morning America crew.

Bun B’s Trill Burgers recently earned the title of best burger in America on Good Morning America’s “United States of Burgers” competition.

Trill Burgers NYC

Source: Craig Hlavaty / Radio One Digital

Accompanied by Trill Burgers chef Mike PhamBun B (Bernard Freeman) competed live on national TV against Lucky’s Last Chance of Philadelphia, The Companion of Atlanta and Babe’s Meat & Counter of Miami. Trill Burgers earned three of five votes from the judges panel of celebrity chef Gina Neely, former NFL star Tiki Barber, former NBA star Jalen Rose, WWE wrestler Titus O’Neil and ABC’s Sam Champion – receiving votes from Neely, Rose and O’Neil – to take home the Golden Burger Trophy.

Trill Burgers NYC

Source: ABC – Paula Lobo / Radio One Digital

“It’s so surreal that it doesn’t make sense,” Bun B said minutes after the show. “To be in Times Square having won the best burger in America live on Good Morning America, it’s not even in the realm of things that we would have imagined for this brand. We just wanted to put in hard work and be justified for what we did, and today we got the ultimate validation. I can’t wait to bring this burger to America.”

The next stop for Trill Burgers is Rock The Bells music festival on Aug. 6 in Queens, N.Y., where it will serve its signature beef and vegan smashburgers inside the Trill Mealz Hip-Hop Food Court curated bBun B. Trill Burgers will announce its next Houston pop-up soon, with a brick-and-mortar location in Houston on the horizon.

Trill Burgers NYC

Source: ABC – Paula Lobo / Radio One

Bun B’s Trill Burgers Named Best Burger in America by ‘Good Morning America’  was originally published on

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